All the benefits of a traditional CSA, but coffee! When you become a member of our of Coffee CSA, you are making a commitment to drinking good coffee, but also to your community. As a local, family run business, we value each and every member and bag of coffee that you invest in. When you purchase from us, you are in turn supporting the local community, and those communities that cultivate the coffee crops that end up in your cup. Joining our CSA allows us to purchase high quality coffee and offer a wider selection of beans, at a better price for you!
Coffee CSA (Ocean Pines & Anne Arundel)
Grind Size
How it Works
Please select Grind Size when choosing your coffee.
Grind Size
- Whole Bean - You grind your coffee at home - Maximum freshness
- Turkish Coffee - Powder fine
- Espresso - Fine
- AeroPress/Moka Pot - Medium fine
- Pour-over - Medium
- Drip/Chemex - Medium Coarse
- French Press/Percolator - Coarse
- Cold Brew/Cowboy Coffee - Extra Coarse